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Zoom a Scientist

  • kids
  • teenagers
  • school classes
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Getting to know the real people behind the research

Zoom a Scientist is a science education program developed by the Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA) that facilitates conversations between school classes and ISTA scientists. In an interactive video session, students have the opportunity to ask questions, meet the people behind the science, and get a glimpse into the work at an international research institute.

In short: an encounter at eye level!

How "Zoom a Scientist" works

Interested classes or their teachers register for an online meeting with an ISTA scientist. They can indicate a preference, which of our featured researchers they would like to meet.

Before the online session, we ask the classes to spend a school lesson preparing for the meeting. To make this easier, we provide teachers with age-appropriate preparation material.

The class then has the opportunity to interview the scientist in an online session about the agreed-upon topic, as well as about their work or everyday life.

ISTA Physiker Jeremie Palacci zeigt Schüler:innen sein Labor
Depending on the research area, some online encounters even include a peek into the lab!

Our "Zoom a Scientist" researchers of the current semester

These ISTA researchers will bring their enthusiasm for science into your classroom during the summer semester of 2024.

Andrea Stöllner

Andrea Stöllner is a physicist interested in the physics of our atmosphere. In her lab, she tries to understand the formation of lightning in storm clouds at a microscopic level. Languages: German, English.

Martin Dvorak

Martin Dvorak is a mathematician. He works on formal proofs. In his work, he uses computers, but not to crunch numbers but rather to show and verify that mathematical reasoning is flawless. Languages: English

Jen Iofinova

Jen Iofinova works on neural networks, the systems behind artificial intelligence. She investigates how to make these systems more trustworthy, especially in phones and cameras, where they have become part of our everyday lives. Languages: English

Maitane Muñoz-Basagoiti

Maitane Muñoz-Basagoiti works in biophysics. She investigates self-assembly, the process by which small building blocks come together into larger and more complex structures, e.g. during protein folding. Languages: English

Florian Strahodinsky

Florian Strahodinsky is a biologist. He started observing ants in childhood and is now doing his PhD about them. He is interested in how ant colonies deal with parasites and diseases. Languages: German, English

Zoom a Scientist is open to all grade levels and school types. The program is suitable for both face-to-face teaching and distance learning.


Alice Laciny

Develops and mediates between school and science